Music Therapy Pizza Nights

Music Therapy Pizza Nights were held at Lakeview Elementary School, Holt Elementary, and Brookwood Elementary in the Fall of 2022.

Karen Collins, MT-BC (music therapist, board certified) provided music therapy services to the pre-k classroom in the three schools during Spring 2022; these services were funded by the Caplan Foundation. Part of the grant funding involved the three pizza nights during fall semester, which provided an opportunity for Karen to show the pre-k students and families how to incorporate music at home. Each family received a bag of instruments to take and use at home.

The Music Therapy Pizza Night program also included members Andrea Cevasco-Trotter, Cailin Kerch, Alison Hooper, and Ellary Draper who were involved in the grant, implementation of the study, and the community outreach pizza nights.

Photo of Music Therapy Pizza Night at Lakeview Elementary School.